Hi all,
I am still wrestling with the identity of my 6th book. The plot is inside my head and I continue to keep moulding it into something that I am happy with.
The main theme I am trying to get to is the fact that everyone tends to think that the status quo remains but there are moments when our lives change forever. Sometimes these are well defined and other times it is a slow manifestation of circumstances overlapping lulling you into the change.
I am getting there, but it needs to be right. Once the plotting /skeleton is complete I will be able to forge ahead and let it all flop out; to coin a phrase.
On more cosmetic matters, I am leaning towards a working title of 'Dark Day Dawns.' (c)copyrightkeithwright2020
I also have been thinking about what the cover might look like. I have always designed my own covers, even when traditionally published with Constable now part of Little Brown. It is something I enjoy and it really completes my ownership of the piece of work.
With that in mind I have got this picture in my head for the 6th cover. Remember there will be the title, sub-title and authors name to go on.

As always I love to get feedback, so by all means let me know your thoughts.
Remember the left side will be at the rear of the book
Have a great week.